Sunday, October 19, 2014

What? More Ideas?

I had the privilege of going to an ANWA (American Night Writer's Association) Retreat a couple weeks ago.

While there, I came up with nearly 10 new Novel ideas that I wanted to write about in the future.  Wahoo!  New Novels.  At this rate, I'll be busy for the next 10 years doing what I love: writing.

Last night as I was putting my youngest child to bed, I fell asleep (what a pleasant surprise!).  Except it gets better.  When I woke up, I remembered a dream I'd been in the middle of that was so unique and so neat that my 15-year old son (an avid reader and one of my biggest advocates) told me to write it down on a piece of paper.

"It must mean something," he said.  "Go write it down so you don't forget it."

So I did.

And from that one little dream, evolved six more titles and books, creating another Young Adult Book Series that I will be writing once I finished the Unleashed series.  I'm so excited about this new series idea too.  The themes are fun, unique, and will hopefully be uplifting to the teens who read it.  Now, to plow through and finish the Unleashed books so I can get to the "Deadly Wins" Series!

I certainly hope I get published.  Otherwise, I'll have shelves and shelves of paper in my office! lol  Oh well!  It's more about the love of the process for me.  Who knows? Maybe I'll eventually spend my life getting paid to do what I love.  Could I be so lucky?  I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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